MAR Portal and MAR databases.
We have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License to all copyrightable parts of our databases. This means that you are free to copy, distribute, display and make commercial use of these databases, provided you give us credit. However, if you intend to distribute a modified version of one of our databases, you must ask us for permission first. Any genetic information is provided for research, educational and informational purposes only.
Privacy policy
Feedback submitted through this website will never be shared with any other third parties. In compliance with the EU GDPR regulation we like to inform that we use cookies to collect information about visitors (IP addresses), date/time visited, page visited, referring website, etc. for site usage statistics and to improve our websites and services. No personal data is stored when using our websites. For more information about the EU General Data Protection Regulation please visit the following website
We make no warranties regarding the correctness of the data and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use.
ELIXIR Terms of Use
We also follow the ELIXIR Terms of Use of the ELIXIR Services.